Taking your Azure skills from “Zero to Hero”

Everyone has a pace and approach to learning, whether it’s reading, watching, listening, or utilizing hands-on labs to build those necessary skills and keep them honed. From personal experience (even with a busy family of four), I can assure you that spending anywhere from 15-60 minutes each day will do wonders for your understanding of Azure, and keeps you in the know while this fast-paced daily cloud platform advances! I hope that some (or all) of the tips below will help you grow wherever you are in your cloud adoption and learning journey!


https://aka.ms/LastWeek (A Microsoft blog that covers announcements from the previous week)
Azure MVP Thomas Thornton: https://thomasthornton.cloud/
Azure MVP Gregor Suttie: https://gregorsuttie.com/
Azure MVP Richard Hooper: https://pixelrobots.co.uk/


The Azure Podcast: http://azpodcast.azurewebsites.net/
This is always loaded up on my iPhone: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/resources/videos/azure-friday/

Learning Paths and Labs:

First and foremost, if you don’t already have an Azure/Microsoft Account that is tied to Azure, follow the details here to avoid any unnecessary charges (including a first month $200 on-the-house bonus): https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/billing/billing-avoid-charges-free-account. I also strive to spend at least 15-60 minutes a day reading up on new features, preview features, and things that I don’t yet know just to stay fresh on Azure – it’s a time commitment that I’m hoping will pay off very soon!

Resource links:

Quick (must know) links:

Cool and valuable tools:

Training links:

Email Channels:

Note that this is just a primer of tools and locations that have helped me on my learning journey to and through Microsoft Azure – as always, your mileage may vary and you may find additional resources that are just as (or even more) valuable than what has been posted here. I will continue to review this list to update resources as they become available, or become deprecated, so that we learn together as a community of “Azure heroes”! Hope that this helps you all on your own journeys!

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